what's the thun-web?

Thun Web is the first digital version of the history of one of Europe's most significant noble families, a history that dates back almost a millennium.

The project, by the University of Innsbruck, compiles genealogical and family history sources with information about the history of the Thun-Hohenstein family and makes it available online. Contributions to the various aspects of the family's history, together with biographies of high-profile individuals, were collated academically and entered into an online lexicon The researched Thun family tree is linked to the lexicon and provides a clear overview for anyone who is interested in the varied and fascinating history of the Thun-Hohenstein family.

The aim is to build a network of members of the Thun family, with contemporary family members being able to learn about their own history and that of their ancestors, as well as being able to make contact with other family members.

Personen (1808 Treffer, Seite 26 von 46)

Name Geburt Geburtsort
Botsch von Zwingenberg Gaudenz
von Thun Otolinus
von Arz Friedrich
von Stockert Ursula (nicht sichtbar) (nicht sichtbar)
Graf von Schaffgotsch gen. Semperfrei von und zu Kynast und Greiffenstein Alexander (nicht sichtbar) (nicht sichtbar)
Graf von Waldstein Karl Ernst
von Firmian Helene
Graf von Schlick zu Bassano-Weißkirchen Heinrich 19.09.1875
von Thun Ubertinus
von Thun Veronika
Gräfin Losenstein M. Therese
von Thun Helene 05.11.1486
von Thun Marsilius II.
von Thun Ulrich II.
Fuchs zu Lebenberg Georg
von Thun Moroellus
von Anich zu Curtatsch Brigitta
Trafojer Rosa
Gräfin von Thun-Hohenstein Marie Sidonie 06.06.1681
von Spaur-Valer Ulrich
von Thun Martinellus
von Anich zu Curtatsch Jakob
Benger Christian
Graf von Thun-Hohenstein Johann Sigmund Maximilian 14.04.1682
von Thun Katharina 1489
von Thun Juanus
von Schroffenstein N.N.
Graf von Thun-Hohenstein Matteo (nicht sichtbar) (nicht sichtbar)
von Thun Dorothea 07.08.1490
Freiin von Thun Dorothea Marie
von Vision Warimbert
von Weineck Agnes
Gräfin von Thun-Hohenstein Paula (nicht sichtbar) (nicht sichtbar)
von Weynegg Johann
Gräfin von Thun Marie Katharina
von Vision Georgius
von Weineck Jenewein
Graf von Thun-Hohenstein Filippo (nicht sichtbar) (nicht sichtbar)